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Say Hi To Our New Collection: Scenic Steps

4 December 2019

On December 1st, 2019, we took the chance to cheers for a double celebration: first, our third birthday in via della Scrofa 52 in Rome, and second, the preview of “Scenic Steps”, our brand new collection. Our boutique hosted a happy social gathering where we welcomed all our friends and clients.

But what is the main inspiration? Let’s find out.

Ph. Giulia Levi Dalla Vida

Behind Scenic Steps: three inspirations for one collection

Three inspirations, three geometries, three different historical moments: “Scenic Steps” is a collection of research, where the staircase rises to the role of the absolute protagonist. Here, each jewel tells a story of beauty around these precious architectural features by putting the accent on their aesthetic keys. The Borromini’s staircase in Rome, the Spanish Steps, the Palazzo Rosso staircase: their common thread? Their theatrical effects.

Palazzo Barberini | Rome

Slinky yet mysterious, the spiral staircase at Palazzo Barberini in Rome represents one of the city’s best-kept secrets. Designed in the 17th century by Borromini, it represents one of the most important and spectacular examples of a spiral staircase. Characterized by the combined use of columns and the exaltation of the sinuosity of the structure, it’s astonishing and it definitely worths a visit.

Palazzo Rosso | Genoa

Moving our focus on Genoa, here we are in the historic Palazzo Rosso. Back to the 60s restoration, this mesmerizing ancient palace has been hosting a spectacular staircase. Its octagonal base repeats itself in a perspective whirlwind. A feature universally considered as a strong mark left by the architect Franco Albini on these ancient spaces.

Spanish Steps | Rome

Finally, the most famous perhaps existing staircase: Piazza di Spagna (or Spanish Steps). Icon of the Eternal City, with its perspective escapes and its scenographic character it perfectly embodies the spirit of late Baroque Rome. Our rings and earrings interpret the contrast between the minimal and “futuristic” design of his plan with the classic idea of the baroque staircase. A different perspective


We thank you all and all for your affection and for your warm participation in the event. We were happy to see you so excited and participate in this new project! A special thanks also go to Sonia Rondini and Maltese Food & Wine. And thanks to Giulia Levi for having recorded our best moments <3

See more photos on our Instagram Highlights <3